Tuesday, May 15, 2007

What's Happening

What a weekend! I've had internet problems so I haven't been able to blog until now. We had a Mother/Daughter banquet Friday night, the School of Ministry Saturday, and, of course, Mother's Day on Sunday! Here's a quick synopsis of each event...
The Mother/Daughter banquet filled the sanctuary with a lot of hungry ladies doing the hula. (Or learning how it's done.)
The School of Ministry brought folks here who are called to Ministry. For one of the sessions, I spoke on Music Ministry and was a bit surprised at all that's involved...even though I've been doing it for the past 17 years. It is only by the grace of God we can get it all done.
For Mother's Day, Sheri spoke and started out with the most hilarious DVD. It was kind of like Robert Barone doing a tribute to his mother. Sheri spoke on one of the greatest moms of all time (judging by how the Child turned out): Mary. So much to learn from Mary! Typically I'm not one who thrills to Mother's Day messages but this one was terrific.
I was a bit relieved that we'd cancelled the evening service for Mother's Day awhile back. I was a walking zombie by Sunday night.
God is doing some wonderful things around here -for which we are very grateful. Tonight we'll have our third Tuesday Night Worship & Prayer Meeting from 7 to 8. We've had refreshing times in His presence -and people have been healed at our first two meetings. You are welcome to join us!


Unknown said...

Hi Paul,
Let me introduce myself. I am Marg Hukill, Darwin's wife. We've enjoyed getting the church newsletter for several years from your dad, and now I'm thrilled to be able to read your blog and Sheri's also. It gives me a glimpse of the ministry there at the church. I know your folks are blessed to have you and your sister working alongside them. Darwin says we will try to get out there to visit one of these days.
Blessings to all of you,

Pastor Paul said...

Marg! How great it is to "meet" you! :) What a fun surprise to read your note. It would be so great to have you guys come out here. I know it's a big jump from Michigan but we'd sure love to see you. Please get Uncle Darwin to keep his word on that. :) Thanks so much for writing and blessings to all them fun Hukills!