On my last "Spotlight" entry, I listed some scriptures that I think need reviewing whenever we get into conflict over worship music styles. I particularly like Philippians 2:4. "Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others."
Worship, after all, isn't really about the music. Yet too much of the time that has been the focus -which often results in people looking only to their own interests. I've seen abuses on all sides. It's not just the older ones complaining, "We need more hymns!" I've heard younger ones complaining, "We need more Chris Tomlin and David Crowder!" The truth is -we need all those things! We can learn so much from each other -the young from the old and the old from the young.
We must remember that music is just the tool that we use to bring ourselves into His presence. We are to be the consumee -not the consumer of worship. It's much more about glorifying God than it is about our preferred style of music.
Visit a third world country. Watch folks worship who don't have the big sound systems or fog machines or pipe organs. Maybe they don't even have what I would consider a good worship song to sing. But I've seen some of the most beautiful expressions of worship given in the crudest of circumstances.
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