Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Me Want Cookie

Well, since it's a scary day I just thought I should put a monster on my blog. This guy and I go way back. We have a lot in common. Sometime back I'd heard that there were plans to turn him into a "Carrot Monster" -or something of the sort. I understand the need for parents to fight against obesity in children ...but come on! It's just not realistic to see the Cookie Monster getting all excited over eating a bunch of carrots. When it comes to muppets, I'm all about reality.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Spotlight On Music Ministry

So, you want to be a music minister. Here are just a few questions...well, 29 questions, you should ask yourself first. And these are just off the top of my head...
1. Has God called me to this ministry?
2. Do I tithe?
3. Am I faithful to be in every service?
4. Do I love people?
5. Do I submit to leadership?
6. Do I have the gift of leadership?
7. Have my giftings been confirmed by leadership and others?
8. In regard to styles of music, am I flexible?
9. Am I threatened by more talented musicians?
10. Am I willing to let others lead?
11. Will I train and equip others for ministry?
12. Am I an affirming person?
13. Am I willing to sit in a dunk-tank booth?
14. Do I have a strong work ethic?
15. Do I work well with others? ...lots of others?
16. Am I willing to turn down the volume?
17. Can I handle criticism?
18. Am I willing to be the first one to arrive early on Sunday morning and the last one to leave Sunday night?
19. Am I willing to grow in my abilities?
20. Do I practice?
21. Do I arrive early for rehearsals?
22. Am I willing to take risks?
23. If I fail, will I try again?
24. Can I live within my means?
25. Will I dream big?
26. Am I sensitive to the move of God in a service?
27. Can I adapt my song the middle of the worship time?
28. Will I lead worship by example?
29. Am I willing to become invisible during the worship time? (And not a rock star.)

School Of Ministry

Last Saturday we hosted the Pre-Ministerial Class for people who feel called to the Ministry. My father has organized this program and it is incredible. Unfortunately, he is quite sick right now so keep him in your prayers! He NEVER misses so I knew that he really wasn't feeling well to be absent Saturday.
One of our speakers was Robin Garvin. She spoke on Children's Ministry and she was fantastic. I so appreciate her heart for kids!
Other subjects that day were..."The Physical Fitness Of The Minister", "Moral Behavior Of The Minister", and "Personal Deportment Of The Minister". The word "deportment" means: the manner in which one conducts himself. It may seem odd but ministers, too, need to learn how to behave and conduct themselves in a proper manner when it comes to dealing with people. Especially ministers!
Saturday reminded me that I meant to post some things on this blog that I had shared about Music Ministry awhile back. So, before I let things slide on this again, I've decided to blog about this subject on Tuesdays for awhile. Hope my experience is helpful to someone.

Friday, October 26, 2007

This Weekend

This Sunday morning my message title is "Grading God On A Scale" -with the sub-title, "Who's The Teacher Here?" Have you ever been disappointed by someone or some situation and proceeded to express your frustrations -maybe even in anger toward them -only to eventually realize that you're actually upset with God? Some people try to hide that feeling, thinking it sac religious -while others declare it openly. "God didn't come through for me."
Anyone in the Bible ever voice something like that? Yes? What? Isn't that God's pr book? Why would He allow that into His own Book? Could it be that he's not shocked by our feelings? Could it be that He actually wants us to address them honestly? Could it be that I'm asking too many questions in this blog?
Quite possibly. Join us!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

High Noon In The Church Parking Lot

Had an exciting lunch yesterday. As I was walking through our church parking lot a car just about ran me over. It stopped, backed up, tried to exit the lot and was stopped by a police car. A cop quickly jumped out and pulled a gun on the car. I was within 10 feet of this pleasant little get-together.
The cop was yelling at the driver as I'm walking backward wondering if bullets are going to start flying. Unfortunately, I'd forgotten to bring my gun to church that day or I could've helped out. Of course, all it shoots is water so I'm not sure it would've been much help. It was kind of hot at noon though.
They got him into custody. Turns out he'd been "acting suspiciously" around a house -the owners of which the police were familiar with. When they told him to step out of the car, he took off. The end of their car chase was in our parking lot. I looked for news helicopters but I suppose there wasn't time since the chase only lasted about two blocks.
Considering my heart rate during this episode, I'm amazed and thankful that police officers are willing to take on this kind of responsibility. Not so sure I could. Think I'll buy them some donuts.

Friday, October 19, 2007

This Weekend

This Sunday evening my message title will be "You Look Better From A Distance". The sub-title is "Heaven's Perspective".
There's a pop song from the 80s that had this line in it: "People are people so why should it be you and I should get along so awfully?" Remember that one? I think it was either by Depeche Mode or Evie Tornquist. Think I heard her sing it at a Billy Graham crusade once.
Anyway, unfortunately, that question could be asked far too often in the church. At first everything is just tip-top, rosy, hunky-dory, peaches and cream with sugar on top. Then, one day, an ominous chord strikes on the sound track of your life as there's a conflict between you and someone else. We're then faced with a choice. We can let that conflict distance us from each other -or we can make every effort to live in peace with others.
Maybe we need a heavenly perspective when we look at each other. Are we really planning to avoid each others mansions when we get there? Eternity is an awfully long time. We're bound to bump into each other eventually. So what are we to do in the here and now? What does the Bible say about this? Join us!

Paper Or Plastic?

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Friday, October 12, 2007

This Weekend

This Sunday morning my message is titled "Beware The Chair". To run in such a way as to get the prize, we need to be careful not to get too attached to all the creature comforts around us. Things are faster, sleeker, and more comfortable than ever before. They can present quite the temptation -and quite the deception when it comes to helping us actually win the race.
When I was a boy I had a record. Yes it was vinyl. One of those big round black things you'd put on to listen to music. But this record told stories and one of those was the Tortoise and the Hare. If the Hare were running this race today he'd probably be wearing stretchy pants, snacking at fast food restaurants, and, of course, taking plenty of rest stops. He, like many people today, thought it was all about speed. He'd probably go to church and hear all the things that need to be done. But he wouldn't do them. Maybe later. He thought he could always make up for lost time later on. So he went on snoozing in his big, fat, comfortable chair. But he lost the race.
The tortoise, on the other hand, was the object of ridicule. The other animals made fun of him as he plodded along. How in the world does he think he could ever win this race? But maybe he knew something the hare didn't. Beware the chair. Run in such a way as to get the prize. Join us!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

I've Been There

I went to the Post Office yesterday. While approaching I noticed 2 people looking longingly at the automatic door that was automatically staying shut. It then hit me that it was Columbus Day. I'd been in the same position last year. I remember walking up to that door and bouncing right off because it didn't open. Someone noticed my look of "huh?" and explained..."It's Columbus Day."
Well, of course, I felt like an idiot. After all those Columbus Day specials on T.V. and the Columbus Day Parade with the Nina, Pinta and the Lima Beana ships...I should have remembered it was a holiday.
So when I saw their look of confusion I knew immediately what was happening. They turned to me with little lost puppy expressions and asked, "Why?" I reminded them it was Columbus Day and their furrowed brow turned into more enlightened expressions. I was so glad to be there for them in their time of need because I knew, just one year ago, what it felt like to be turned away from the post office.
2nd Corinthians 1:3-4 "Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God."

Tuesday, October 2, 2007


Yesterday I attended a funeral for the little sister of my friend Dennis Luce. Christine died a day after her 35th birthday. She was on horseback and had an accident which caused pressure and swelling on her brain. The brain damage was too severe and now she's with Jesus.
I'd like to ask you to keep my friend Dennis in your well as Christine's husband, Mark, and her parents, Bob and Janice. Also, Christine has a 17 year-old daughter, Susannah. She gave a beautiful tribute at the service.
A website is being constructed as a tribute to Christine.
There's nothing quite like a funeral to remind you of the really important things in life. Two things that I thought of especially yesterday were to keep short accounts (not holding onto your hurts)...and to express your love to people more often. I think if we really did those things, life would be far less complicated than we often make it.