Friday, October 26, 2007

This Weekend

This Sunday morning my message title is "Grading God On A Scale" -with the sub-title, "Who's The Teacher Here?" Have you ever been disappointed by someone or some situation and proceeded to express your frustrations -maybe even in anger toward them -only to eventually realize that you're actually upset with God? Some people try to hide that feeling, thinking it sac religious -while others declare it openly. "God didn't come through for me."
Anyone in the Bible ever voice something like that? Yes? What? Isn't that God's pr book? Why would He allow that into His own Book? Could it be that he's not shocked by our feelings? Could it be that He actually wants us to address them honestly? Could it be that I'm asking too many questions in this blog?
Quite possibly. Join us!


Debbie said...

Do you record your messages? I'd really like to hear some of yours!

Pastor Paul said...

Yes, on reel to reel tape. :) Actually we record them on cassettes still. We'd ordered a CD recorder but it doesn't work. :(
Still looking for an 8-track recorder.