While looking for just the right picture to put up for my Dad's birthday, I stumbled across these two. Just this past Sunday, Louise and John were telling me that they were going to make split pea soup this week. It instantly brought to mind the many times my family would stop at Andersen's as we travelled up and down the coast in our motor home. You'll notice that the ones holding the sledgehammer are, respectively, my Dad ...and Sheri! She splits peas in this fashion to this day.
It's kind of wild to me that you could open a restaurant based on split pea soup. But have you tried it? How smart it is to promote what you can do incredibly well. If it weren't in the title, I probably wouldn't have tried it.
I got a kick out of John. He told me that once he went to order a hamburger there and his dad kind of scolded him for it saying, "Do you see anyone else here eating a hamburger? Get the soup!" I suppose it's like going to a Chinese restaurant and ordering an enchilada.