Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Don Croswhite

This is an exciting and sad day for me. My great friend, Don Croswhite, has enlisted in the Army. He is leaving today for Fort Benning in Georgia. He is off to become an Airborne Ranger. He'll be in Georgia for awhile and then move to Fort Bragg in North Carolina.

I'm excited for him but, selfishly, I'm sad to see him go. I've practically watched him grow up over the past 17 years. He is incredibly talented. He designed the web-site at my former church and we had people joining the church just because of the site. He brought technical genius, acting talents, humor, and most of all...passion...to so many of the Musical Productions and Kid's Crusades that were produced at the church. He designed the artwork for the cover of our CD. He helped us write a play titled "Christmas: Unplugged". And he also just happens to be one of the funniest people on the planet. Don, I am so incredibly proud of you. Be careful out there. We'll keep you in our prayers.

1 comment:

Sara said...

We will be praying for Don and Eric and their new adventure in life. What brave men! Keep us poster.