Proverbs 13:4 "The sluggard craves and gets nothing, but the desires of the diligent are fully satisfied."
Typically I've read this proverb and thought of it in terms of having a strong work ethic. I've always thought this to be vital -especially in regard to working for the kingdom.
But that scripture hit me another way this week. Think of it in terms of your spiritual growth. Should our work ethic in that area be any less important than working hard at our job?
I've heard people say things like- "I wish God would just make me more disciplined." Maybe that's like saying- "I wish God would plant an apple tree in my yard, pick some apples, bake a pie, and set it down in front of me." It doesn't work that way. We've got to work for it. However, He has given us all the ingredients we need. And I believe He's also given us the cookbook with the recipes. Let's get to work! The diligent will grow in their walk with the Lord.
The sluggard craves a slice of hot apple pie with ice cream just melting in his mouth...and gets nothing. But the desires of the diligent are fully satisfied.
That picture seriously makes me want pie, when I should be working! :-)
Couldn't write that without thinking of your apple pie in particular. It's the best in the world.
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