Today I went to Peet's Coffee and this big guy came in pushing a stroller with a baby that you could only describe as adorable. This guy was so big that I decided not to start a fight with him. I'd get pummelled. You really have to choose your battles you know.
Anyway, he sits down with the baby and the next thing I hear out of his mouth is these "goo goo" noises as he interacted with his baby. I kind of had to stop myself from laughing at how he sounded. It was the last thing you'd expect to hear from him.
It made me think of the time that I came home to find my landlord, a big burly guy with a gravelly voice, having a tea party in front of his apartment with his five-year old daughter. It really touched my heart.
Another prime example is what you see pictured here. This is my buddy Patrick. He's a Marine with tattoos and drives a Harley Davidson. Yet any thoughts of being intimidated by this tough guy disappear when you see him talking with his son Isaac. I just had to capture it with my camera.
Babies and kids seem to have this power over us. They reduce us to emotional puddles of mush as we go out of our way to make them smile or even laugh. Shawn Pallil has to undergo that procedure every Sunday as just about every person in the church tries to entertain him.
I can't help but think that something in the heart of God reacts the same way to all of His children. Think about what God went through -in order to win our hearts.
This is from an article by Dr. Robert Webber and it speaks of what happened on the cross.
"In that moment, the divine trinity experienced the human suffering of all people, of all time, of all history.
In that moment, the Father turned His back toward the Son.
In that moment, the Son entered into the eternal separation of hell itself.
In that moment, death, which is the consequence for sin, wrapped itself like a cloak around the Son of God and made Him, who knew no sin, take into His own physical body and spiritual being the consequence of sin -death itself.
In that moment, the eternal triune community of Father, Son and Spirit was rendered in two.
In that moment, God Himself was wounded to the core of His being. He experienced for us our own rebellion, taking it and its consequence into Himself to defeat it by His love."
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