Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Whose Fault Line Is It Anyway?

I read a story that "the number for morbid obesity is on the rise." Thought that was worded poorly. It surprised me that we're all still putting on the pounds because I thought the lawsuit against McDonald's was going to fix all of that. Wasn't it all their fault for not putting the calories on the menu? How were we to know that cheese and salt and french fries and shakes would add to our mass? Maybe it's time to sue the companies that make the scales. It's really their fault for making us so unhappy.
I guess it just makes us feel better to have someone to blame. But does it change anything? We won't be able to play the blame game on judgment day. That will be the ultimate in personal responsibility. I'm so amazed that Jesus paid the price for our sin...the only One who was blameless. He had every right to take us to court and pronounce us guilty. The lawsuit of all time was levelled at Him. And no, He didn't counter-sue.
Hopefully we can learn from His selflessness. Otherwise we'll all end up suing our moms. If they hadn't brought us into the world, we never would've gotten fat. Doesn't most therapy lead back to Mom anyway?

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