This is my friend Heifara. I first met him on my second trip to Tahiti in a Vacation Bible School I was helping with. When I found out he played the trumpet, I encouraged him to play for church and later mailed him a letter with some music.
Fast-forward quite a few years to my recent trip. I was concerned when I didn't see him in church.
The next Sunday, I sang before the sermon. When I sat down, suddenly there was this grown, 6'4" tall man at my side. I didn't quite recognize him at first. He said, "Paul, it's me, Heifara. May I sit with you?" Of course, I quickly moved over. He told me that it had been three years since he'd been to church. Then he told me that the day before he "just happened" to see my letter and the music I'd sent him many years ago. He felt that God told him if he'd go to church Sunday, he would see this man. When he arrived, I was singing at the piano.
He proceeded to cry through the rest of the service. When it ended, we prayed together and he beamed the rest of the day -like you see here. He has started to climb, as he put it, a new ladder which will lead to heaven.