Sunday, August 26, 2007

Matt In The Sky

This is Matt Short on a helicopter tour during his recent vacation in Tennessee. Matt is one of our musicians. He plays a mean trumpet. He also helps with Kids Church and has even been known to help remove a tree in our parking lot. We're not sure what he did with it -but it's gone. He's just an upstanding citizen and all around great guy.
When I first saw this picture, it looked to me like he was doing the morning traffic report. I've never been out there, but in my mind the morning traffic report over the hills of Tennessee would go something like...
"We've got a cow blocking traffic on the 7 Freeway. It's in need of milking and some passengers have stopped to help. A truck has just spilled a shipment of banjos on the 47 Road going out to Ma Tucker's place. It caused an accident which actually turned into a hoe down. And over near the general store a chicken is crossing the road and we just don't know why. It has turned into a high speed police chase and we'll be following this story to its conclusion. This is Matt with KFC Traffic in the sky."


Kim said...

What a handsome young fellow he is!!!!

DonnaG said...

He sooooo looks like a traffic reporter. Great pic. And yes Kim, what a handsome young fellow he is!!!!!