Well, I usually try to catch some of the summer blockbusters. Here's my opinion on a couple of them for this year.
The Bourne Ultimatum: The pacing of this movie is so fast -it's just all a blur...LITERALLY! It looks like the camera man had way too much coffee and couldn't hold the camera still. I think Jason Bourne did too because he's just running the entire time -probably in search of a restroom. If you get motion sickness easily, try to sit in the back row and be sure to take some dramamine before it starts. Don't take the kids because it gets a little bit more violent than the Andy Griffith Show.
Ratatouille: Hundreds of rats slithering into a kitchen in Paris to eat and cook. Not only that, a rat is the best chef in all of France. Is this Disney's way of slamming France because of the difficulties of Euro-Disney? This movie was more gross than funny. I really like the Pixar movies too. Rent "Cars" or "Finding Nemo" instead. And then just buy a rat at the pet store for Mom to play with and nurture.
What do you think?
Ok, I gotta admit... I was kinda grossed out too by the rat in the kitchen. Two of my favorite things in the world - Paris and cooking - get mixed in with a hairy rat. Hmmm. Yeah it was gross. But I liked the movie. I thought it was cute - but gross at the same time. Go figure.
Cute but gross. Sounds like a description on a dating service. "She's beautiful and she picks her nose all day long."
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