Thursday, June 19, 2008

Happiness: Not A Goal But A By-Product

The Wednesday night Bible study has been taking a closer look at the Beatitudes. It has been fantastic. Last night my father spoke about how short-sighted we can be when we make happiness the goal of our lives rather than God. This seems to be especially true of Americans who are constantly speaking of their rights and ready to sue at the drop of a hat because their happiness is to be preserved at all costs. I wonder how many will be doing that on that great and final day when every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord? It would be tough to speak about your rights in the presence of a holy God -His Son being the sinless one who died for our sins.

While elaborating on Matthew 5:6, "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled." -he said, "If we want true happiness, Jesus says, develop a hunger for righteousness; in doing so, then your life will be filled with happiness." So many people think that pursuing pleasure is the key to happiness. But the key is actually pursuing righteousness. Pursuing God Himself.

John Eldredge, in his book "Walking With God" wrote, "God wants us to be happy. But he knows that we cannot be truly happy until we are completely his and until he is our all. And the weaning process is hard.
"The sorrows of our lives are in great part his weaning process. We give our hearts over to so many things other than God. We look to so many other things for life. I know I do. Especially the very gifts that he himself gives to us - they become more important to us than he is. That's not the way it is supposed to be. As long as our happiness is tied to the things we can lose, we are vulnerable."

Matthew 5:4 "Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted." You can begin to see why sorrows, why mourning can be a good thing. If we allow it, they will lead us to true comfort. Not to distractions, or temporary pleasures just to numb our pain, but to the Comforter Himself -and in His presence is fullness of joy.
Psalm 16:11 "You have made known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand."

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