Well, the Lord works in mysterious and wondrous ways! I am actually off to Tahiti! And I'll be there for close to two months. When my Tahitian family heard that our Contemporary service had come to an end, they pooled together and bought me a ticket. Not that it took much coaxing, but they pretty much insisted that I come over...and stay longer this time since I've got some free time. It just seems rude to say no. :) I'll be blogging from over there on occasion. Thanks for stopping by!
P.S. My friend, Aimana, is a pilot and took this picture himself.
We all miss you terribly back over here in the ol' USA. Hope you are doing well.
Thanks Kim! I miss you guys too! Having a great time but wish I could've packed friends in my luggage to experience what I'm experiencing here. But Dave might not like it. I haven't seen one Starbucks or a Coffee Bean. :) However, they do love coffee here. Hallelujah!
Dave was planning on making a trip over to Tahiti to visit you but now he doesn't believe he can come since they don't have any Starbuck's there
Lol Well, maybe he could bring some along....enough for a friend too....maybe. Is there a big enough suitcase for the two of us?
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