Well, our final service for our Contemporary Service was September 14th. I'm beginning to see that change is just simply part of life. It doesn't necessarily make it any easier, but it sure keeps life interesting! In fact, I'm learning to welcome it -more than fear it. I'd prayed for an adventure awhile back and God has certainly been faithful to answer that prayer. Routine can make for a pretty stale life experience.
When life is full of change, mystery, and just -not enough answers, it can actually be a pretty wonderful thing. It causes us to hold all the more tightly to the One who never changes -who is the same yesterday, today and forever. If change tosses me harder into His arms, bring it on!
So where is change taking you?? The Williams are also undergoing change - the last Sunday in September was our last at Life Center. We haven't 'landed' anywhere yet. Keep us posted on where you are at!
Well, there's a pretty strong possibility at the moment but it's not a done deal yet. To work there I would have to move, however. I'll let you know. In the meantime, it looks like I'm actually off to Tahiti -believe it or not! Hope you guys are well.
Well since you seem to have some time off, don't you think Hanford might be a nice place to visit? You could even take a day trip to Yosemite - but I know how much you dislike that place.
Hey Rhonda!
I happen to know some pretty cool people in Hanford. :) Hope you guys are awesome. Yes, it might take awhile, but Yosemite eventually grows on you. Well, at some point I'll have to see the metropolis of Hanford.
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