Well, I guess this brings new meaning to Proverbs 22:6. "Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it."
I've seen programs for parents teaching their children to swim, but I didn't realize they also had them for sumo wrestling. It seems like a good idea to me. In fact, the sooner the better to learn that -you either swim or sink. There's just no floating through life. You either wrestle against your own flesh and the attacks of the enemy -or be counted down for the count. Aren't we slapped first thing in the delivery room? With that kind of welcome into the world, you'd think we wouldn't be surprised when the slaps keep coming. But we are.
It would seem that God wants to turn us into something more than just one big comfortable blob. He is making warriors out of us. In Jim Cymbala's book, "You Were Made For More", he talks about playing basketball with a new coach. Jim had been a star athlete, but this coach trained them to such an extreme, his muscles were screaming in pain. It seemed cruel at the time. But when they played their next game, they had much more endurance than the other team and were able to play their best even when the other team had no strength left.
So instead of thinking that God is being cruel, you might consider that He is just toughening you up -not only to endure -but to win the battle.
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