My first week in the office at Canyon Hills was pretty cool. Pastor Wendell and Pastor Steve filmed segments for a new small group series they'd put together titled, "Unshakable". This study centers around the end times and a key scripture is Luke 21:31. "When you see these things happening, recognize that the kingdom of God is near." Isn't it awesome to know that things are about to wrap up ...and we're on the winning side?
The DVD was beautifully produced by a man in the church who is a professional -and actually makes commercials for television.
Is that your office? How cool to have a coffee bar in your office!!! We knew you liked coffee but pleeeezzz! Just kidding. Sounds like things are going swimmingly at Canyon Hills. We can't wait to come visit some Sunday and see it all.
Now wouldn't that be the greatest? Coffee bar/office. On the other hand, I'd probably drink too much coffee and get the shakes. That's why I probably shouldn't work at Starbucks.
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