A while back there was a silly radio commercial that was promoting a gas station by announcing that they had new nozzles. Then you'd hear kids yelling, "New nozzles! New nozzles!" They sounded about as excited as if they'd just pulled the car into Disneyland.
Well, we had a similar moment in the office today. Except we were shouting, "The postcards are here! The postcards are here!" We've just received the 10,000 postcards that we'll be handing out to promote our Easter services. That may sound like a lot but the percentage of return on those is about 1%. Regardless of that statistic, we're still called to put the invitation out there. And we'll be giving every one of them with a prayer. We'll be doing this over the next 2 weeks -but we'll be going out as a group at 9AM on Saturday, March 31st. We'll meet at the church and then go from there. We welcome anyone who could help us -for any amount of time!
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