So, you want to be a music minister. Here are just a few questions...well, 29 questions, you should ask yourself first. And these are just off the top of my head...
1. Has God called me to this ministry?
2. Do I tithe?
3. Am I faithful to be in every service?
4. Do I love people?
5. Do I submit to leadership?
6. Do I have the gift of leadership?
7. Have my giftings been confirmed by leadership and others?
8. In regard to styles of music, am I flexible?
9. Am I threatened by more talented musicians?
10. Am I willing to let others lead?
11. Will I train and equip others for ministry?
12. Am I an affirming person?
13. Am I willing to sit in a dunk-tank booth?
14. Do I have a strong work ethic?
15. Do I work well with others? ...lots of others?
16. Am I willing to turn down the volume?
17. Can I handle criticism?
18. Am I willing to be the first one to arrive early on Sunday morning and the last one to leave Sunday night?
19. Am I willing to grow in my abilities?
20. Do I practice?
21. Do I arrive early for rehearsals?
22. Am I willing to take risks?
23. If I fail, will I try again?
24. Can I live within my means?
25. Will I dream big?
26. Am I sensitive to the move of God in a service?
27. Can I adapt my song the middle of the worship time?
28. Will I lead worship by example?
29. Am I willing to become invisible during the worship time? (And not a rock star.)