Wow, have times changed. Check out how big the Starbucks letters are compared to the Wells Fargo letters you can just make out above the doorway. This is on the traffic circle at Old Towne, Orange. The building is pretty cool with a high beautiful ceiling inside. And, yes, you can consult with either a teller or a barista. I wonder if the tellers offer whipped cream with transactions?
It was a wonderful place to enjoy my cup of Starbucks coffee for the day. I could just imagine for all those folks who have said something along the lines of..."Back in my day we would never pay that much for a cup of coffee," -when they see this building, it must turn into... "See, I told you so. They're even taking over the banks."
We heard on the news that they would be closing aprox. 600 Starbucks due to the economy. Dave is having withdrawls over here. He keeps twitching his eye and he yells out NO! when he is sleeping.
LOL Poor Dave! He's not the only one. I overheard some employees wondering if their store would close. But could Dave's eye-twitching possibly come from one of the 5 extra caffeine shots he adds to his cup?
I want to go there - never seen a coffee place in a bank. They are EVERYWHERE!! Anyway, I'm okay with Starbucks closing 600 stores - in fact, they could close 6000 and that would be okay. Now, if they close It's a Grind, then I might have to be twitching and yelling NO!! It's A Gring ROCKS!!
They just opened an It's A Grind on 2nd St. in Belmont Shore. Good thing too because all that's there is a Coffee Bean, Polly's Gourmet Coffee, Peet's Coffee, and two Starbucks. Still think I prefer Debbie's coffee with dessert. :)
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