This month I'm leading a study of the book of Habakkuk in our mid-week services. I'd always thought it was a cook book in Hebrew. But, on closer inspection, I found it to be much more.
This prophet cried out to God about the sins of His people. Then God responded by saying he was going to use the Babylonians to punish them. This didn't sit very well with Habakkuk because the Babylonians were ruthless, wicked people -and had become a large nation. One commentary said, "Judah was just a speck of loose dust before this gigantic vacuum cleaner."
I was trying to think of something that we could compare it to. Try this: Andy Taylor wants to teach Opie and his gang a lesson for breaking windows in the town. So he calls up a Los Angeles street gang to come and beat them up. Now we know that Andy loves Opie and only wants the best for him. So, what the heck?!
Join us as we see Habakkuk ask God, "What the heck?!"
Well, obviously Andy knew what he was doing, because Opie's future involved very "Happy Days".
Yes, but later he found himself in a backdraft and then a very harrowing trip around the moon in Apollo 13. But I suppose his days of killing little birdies in Mayberry was good training. Now he has a beautiful mind.
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