In case you were wondering what a full-time music minister does, I would like to tell you what my responsibilities have included. This is a real list. I'm not trying to impress you or scare you (if you're pursuing this calling). I just thought it would be good to give you an inside look at what I've experienced in music ministry.
My responsibilities have included...leading worship, directing the choir, directing instrumentalists, planning the services, arranging and writing music for rhythm section/horns/woodwinds, rehearsing soloists-ensembles and instrumental groups, administration -which involved scheduling musicians & singers & sound men & overhead crews, purchasing or renting sound equipment/lighting and instruments for the church.
...meeting, contacting & auditioning people
...reviewing and ordering music for worship, for choir, for instrumentalist, for soloists & ensembles, for special productions such as Easter, Independence Day, Christmas -and purchasing or renting sound equipment/lighting and instruments for special productions.
...producing musical productions for Easter, Independence Day, Nights Of Worship, Missions Convention, Christmas and overseeing all aspects of production -which included drama, props, sets, lighting, sound, costuming, makeup, choreography, budgeting, advertising and rehearsal schedules.
...attending various conferences on leadership, worship, choral music, songwriting, drama, sound, staff retreats and more.
...playing for weddings and funerals.
...hosting guest artists and groups -which can mean picking them up at the airport, feeding them, getting them back & forth from the hotel, helping with their sound checks, making sure all their requirements are met, (pre-service snacks, CD tables, sound equipment, special effects). Over the years I've hosted everything from a full-scale university orchestra to a mime. We've had groups like Truth and The Kry & people like Alvin Slaughter and Bryan Duncan for concerts, -and Annie Herring recorded a 'live' worship CD at the church.
...being a platform roadie -which can be incredibly time consuming -and much more.
...songwriting, producing a CD for the church, assembling a writing team to write our own Christmas play.
All of this was on top of weekly staff meetings, frequent meetings with my pastor and interaction with other departments in the church which included children's ministry (particularly Kids Crusades and camps for our church kids and for foster kids), the singles group, home fellowships, men's retreats and one women's retreat. It's important to be well-rounded and involved in the life of your church -rather than just isolating yourself in your own department.
So it would amaze me when someone would say, "It must be nice to just sit and listen to music all day long." :)