Well, amidst a week that especially encourages gratefulness, here's something -or actually someone, for which I'm very grateful. This is my buddy, Don Croswhite. In this pic he's at the range.
Don finished his basic training in Fort Benning, Georgia and is now a part of the 1st Armored Division, Army Evaluation Task Force in El Paso, Texas. So after weeks of studying the Georgian accent, he's now working on his Texan slang. He confirmed for me that the stars at night are indeed big and bright....deep in the heart of Texas. I'm certain that he'll return with a great love for sweet tea.
It sounds like he's got a pretty important -and potentially dangerous job. He is testing new equipment before it goes to Iraq. (I imagine things like Mr. Coffee, toasters, and hair dryers.)
While most of his buddies were able to go home after basic training, he went straight to El Paso. We will get to see him around Christmastime. So I'm pretty excited about that. But offer up a prayer for Don and the other soldiers in your life who can't make it home for Thanksgiving.
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