Pastor Richardson, from the Assembly of God church in Faaa, La Bonne Nouvelle, called and asked me to speak at his church. A few years ago he had expressed this desire and I was happy to accept his invitation. So I spoke for their Friday night service -as well as their Sunday morning service. I'd noticed someone taking pictures of me during Friday's service. I was then surprised to see a picture of me in Sunday morning's bulletin!
Pastor Richardson was out of town speaking at the church in Raiatea so his Associate Pastor, Greg, translated for me. Pastor Greg was terrific. I found out he'd just flown in after spending 2 months in Switzerland with family. I'm sure he had jet lag -but he spoke -and interpreted, with passion. We had a wonderful time of prayer with many people afterward. Sometimes I get concerned about the language barrier and if I'm connecting or not. But God knows how to connect the dots. :)
Saturday, Toimata, (Yves's daughter) asked me to work with the youth from their church. They'd been having a camp at the church for the weekend. She wanted me to teach them "How Great Is Our God" for a Christmas program they are preparing. It turns out I'll be here for that! So I gave them -kind of a typical choir practice. But since we were only learning one song, I took a little time to talk with them about worhip. Then we did some warm-ups. I wasn't sure how they would respond to some of those silly-sounding warm-ups, but they sang along. I also spoke with them about some singing techniques. I found out later that they'd never had someone do that before and were happy that I'd taught them some things. They were also teaching me -as I'd never sung "How Great Is Our God" in french before. I had dinner with the youth and then they had an awesome worship service that night. Teremu, the youth leader, led us and it was beautiful.
I am just so awed by all the experiences you are getting to enjoy. It seems like God had it all planned and ready for your visit. Am I surprised?? No. he knew exactly what you needed and what would be surprising blessings for you as well. It seems that the people you are around are SO hospitable. Sorry about your cut foot but glad that it is better. Keep sending the blogs. It helps us not miss you so much. Which we do!!!!!
Yes, I think they have to be some of the most hospitable people in the world. It's funny because, although I've never been to France, I hear most people living there tend to be rude. (I know that's a generalization. I've met plenty of rude Americans too.) But if you want to meet incredibly loving french-speaking people, plan a trip to Tahiti! Glad you like the blogs. :)
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