Tuesday, November 11, 2008

On Tahitian Airwaves

I just had a bit of a surreal experience. I was enjoying lunch with the Jamets on the deck of their home. They had the radio on in the background. We were talking and without taking much notice I began to think that the song playing was familiar to me. Then I suddenly realized it was Brandi Parson and she was singing a song I wrote- "I Will Wait". I was thrilled!
The last time I was here they told me that the Christian station had played "For All Time" quite a bit on the radio. I thought they might like that one because it features a lot of percussion. Apparently they've been playing quite a few of the songs from my worship CD. The station seems to play an even mix of french worship songs and english worship -with even some Tahitian songs. How awesome to think that our CD is touching people's lives in ways we aren't even aware of. I sure hope Brandi hears that she's been on the air in Tahiti. :)


jimandbrandi123 said...

Hi Paull!!

How cool to hear that the CD is getting air play!!! I told you back then that that whole experience made me really feel like a singer again :) I will always appreciate having been a part of it. I hope that all is well with you.

Bonnie Flores

Rhonda said...

How cool. I love it when God has a plan that we can even fathom. And its even better when we get to hear how that plan plays out (quite literally here.)

Kim said...

How cool was that????

Brandi said...

OK sooo...I've been catching up with your life and loving it!!! God’s ripple affects are vast and ever flowing...way cool!!!! I miss you my friend...worshiping with you has been one of God's biggest tools in my life...He taught me so much through you...I miss that...but you are so right about seasons of change...I agree if it throws me further into His arms...BRING IT ON!!!!

Sheri Leming said...

HOW COOL!!! It's really fun reading about all of your adventures! I'm SO glad that you are experiencing so many cool things! I pray your foot is better....so sorry about the lemons...that couldn't have been very fun!
Love you MUCH,

Pastor Paul said...

Hi Bonnie! So glad to know you saw this. :) To my ears and heart, you have ALWAYS been a singer! It was an honor to work with you -and it's so cool to see some of the fruit of our efforts. Big hugs to you and Jim.

Hi Rhonda! Hope you are well! The family here has said they've played many songs from our CD. It's a good bet that Tahiti has also heard you and Bonnie on solos. :) People from the church usually ask when the next CD is coming out. :) Hugs to you, Bruce & the kids.

Hi Brandi! So glad you know about this. It was pretty cool to tell people, "I know that girl singing on the radio." :) You are so right about ripple effects. We prayed it would touch hearts & I can almost hear God saying, "Why did you doubt?" Keep singing! Hugs to you, Darren & the kids.

Kim & Sheri, Totally cool -and no worries about the foot. I've moved on to worries about elephantitus. It spreads by mosquitos. Think it has affected my brain...or maybe my little brain just has no more room for new french words. :) (Tama loves telling me about things like elephantitus-by-mosqito -& then watching my paranoid reaction. lol)

Don Croswhite said...

Well how cool is that. Glad to hear your having fun, hope your in California for Christmas.

Pastor Paul said...

Hey Don! Yes I am! And I hope to see you! I miss you buddy.