Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Sur La Radio...Encore!

Well, it happened again. We were on our way to church this past Sunday morning, listening to the Christian radio station, and suddenly Bonnie Flores started singing. It was a reggae-flavored song titled, "Think On These Things". I couldn't help but laugh with excitement about it. Tama told me, "They play this one all the time." I thought they might like that one. You hear reggae music often here. So, thanks again Bonnie! Your voice continues to bless my life and many other lives as well.

The song is based on Philippians 4:8 "Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things."

I'm very thankful for this scripture. It reminds me that the responsibility lies with me. We can't just sit around waiting for heavenly things to come floating into our minds. We have to make an effort to dwell on the good things. It's up to us. And more and more I'm realizing that it's actually possible to take every thought captive and make it obedient to Jesus Christ. God has given us the ability to do this. And more than just sheer will power, I think it's love that motivates the muscles of our thought life to grow. If it's a..."Oh, ok, I guess I'd better do this..." kind of thing, it doesn't usually last. But when you're in love -it changes everything. And that's part of the greatest commandment...to love Him with our minds.

Here's a line from "Think On These Things"...
It's time to go to God's Word and feast your eyes on heavenly things
Anytime or place, take a flight above the clouds, and think about "whatever"...

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